Album project: Little Songs For You

Album project: Little Songs For You

This summer, The Icy Lakes, will publish a concept album named «Little Songs For You», a collection of heartwarm little songs that you can send to someone you care about. 

I'm looking for co-writers and collaborators for lyrics and/or music. Maybe that is you?!



I will try to get as many songs written / co-written up until May 1st.
Then, I'll pick the 5 best songs to compile on that album.
After that it will go into production and hopefully be released mid to late summer.

If you're interested, please drop me a line at and let's see if we can get something going! 

Looking forward to hearing from you!


Some of my songs

Here are some songs that I have written. They are all WIP, but just to show the style of music.


Find My Way

In The Snowfall

Our Little World



Here are a few influences as a reference for this album.


Sufjan Stevens

I discovered Sufjan just a few years ago with Carrie & Lowell. It struck an immediate nerve. The raw emotion, the strong melodies, the beautiful arrangements - but also the jarring, the eerie, the contrast.

Elliot Smith

A long time favorite of mine, in all ways, both lyrically and melodically. Great guitar playing too.

Tom Rosenthal

I really like the emotional lyrics and the beautiful melodies of Tom Rosenthal. I'd like to aim for some of the same, just he uses piano a lot and I plan on using mostly string instruments.

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